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Health: The risk of developing depression

Treatment of depression is aimed at stabilizing the patient’s sudden stress situations. Positive thoughts and actions will be supported.Depression can usually be treated well. For this are various options to choose from. There are four treatment strategies:

• Drug treatment
• Psychotherapeutic treatment
• Active-wait-monitoring (watchful waiting)
• Combination therapy

When choosing the right therapy are taken into account severity of illness, previous disease history and personal desires of the patient The benefits and risks of possible therapeutic approaches should be discussed and weighed in each case together with a doctor or psychotherapist.

The therapy aims to different results. Initially, the symptoms are reduced so much that the mental balance of the patient recovered and the social and professional life can be completely mastered. Furthermore, the risk of relapse or subsequent relapse should be reduced as much as possible. The recommendations may be dependent on age, severity of the disease, possible side diseases, desires and life goals of those affected. Therefore, it is necessary that patients inform the treating doctor about comorbidities, and the use of medication.

The treatment can be generally divided into three sections:

• Acute therapy
• Maintenance therapy
• Relapse prevention

The Acute therapy aims to treat the symptoms of depression as quickly and extensively. The symptoms and signs should largely disappear. If this target is met, it is next to maintenance therapy. Here the newfound status of the patient is stabilized. The patient is treated, for example, about four to nine months with medication and taking part in eight to twelve months of psychotherapy. The risk of relapse can be dramatically reduced. The treatment should not be prematurely terminated if the complaints have decreased. In certain cases, a relapse prevention is necessary for a maintenance therapy. It prevents a recurrence of depression after a full recovery. The treatment time may exceed one year. It is necessary when the risk of relapse is increased, for instance because a patient has experienced several relapses, has suffered from a major depressive episode in the severe impairment or chronic depression is present.

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Active-wait-Accompaniment (watchful waiting)

The actual treatment can be postponed due to various situations. This may be the case if the patient suffers from only a mild depressive episode and rejects the treatment or reduction of the depression is also to be expected without treatment.

However, a review of the symptoms in the next two weeks should be done.


Antidepressants have an acute and an antidepressant effect. The antidepressant effect, with sentiment, occurs only after a few weeks, during the acute effect is immediately there. The acute effects depending on the medication: calming, sleep inducing, driving, disinhibiting

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Health: The depression

Many factors can contribute to the development of depression, such as an inherited predisposition or lack of light. If a patient over a prolonged period of depression, the period is characterized by an interest and motivation as well as a low mood of the person concerned. Every person knows depression PRIME or stages of grief. This depth phases are just as important as high phases of life.

Even so, it is not easy to distinguish the disease from a deep depression phase and to recognize that. If there is a depression, sufferers often cannot cope with simple everyday tasks and are plagued by severe self-doubt.There is a large number of unreported cases. According to a study, approximately 50% of depressions are not even detected because sufferers often visit a doctor or do not recognize the depression.

The depression can be divided into different forms and degrees of severity. In principle, anyone can suffer from depression. However, the trigger is in factors that are not always influenced for us as physical illness, personal living environment and genetic predisposition.

Often it also happens that the victims themselves cannot find the reason for their illness. The triggers are in either the genetic predisposition or the personal life of the affected environment. Following factors are listed that can be used as a trigger for this disease:

• Current or past stressful / hurtful events
• Chronic diseases
• Hereditary systems
• Learned negative thought patterns
• Lack of light during the winter months (so-called seasonal depression)
• Drugs
• Sleep
• Imbalances of neurotransmitters in the nervous system

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Studies have shown that the risk of developing depression is higher if family members are already suffering from the disease or have suffered. Although the genes clearly a risk factor, it is not yet known which genes are. A recent study in turn dissociates from an existence of a depression gene.

Imbalances of neurotransmitters in the nervous system

The neurobiology supports the assumption that in diseased people a disturbed regulation mechanism of certain neurotransmitters in the brain exists. This leads to a concerned interest and motivation as well as a diminished sense of joy. Pay special attention to the researcher’s attention to the neurotransmitters, noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin.

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Health: Too Much Belly Fat

It is undisputed that who puts too much kilos on the scales, has permanently increased risk diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. However, obesity is not just overweight. Rather, it plays a role in the health points at which sits in the fat body. Therefore, doctors often calculate not only the body mass index (BMI), but also the waist-hip ratio (THV), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR).

Is first measured the waist (approximately at navel height), then the scope of the hip, specifically at the thickest point. The subsequent calculation is simple: You divide the waist measurement by the hip measurement – the result is a unit less value.

Therefore, you have too much belly fat. Now calculate waist-to-hip ratio! The ratio provides an indication of the distribution of fat in the body. The bigger it is the fatter sitting on the belly. One then speaks of the so-called apple type. In people who are part of the pear type, i.e. with a lower WHR, the more fat distributed on the hips, thighs and on the buttocks.

Most nutritionists call it a belly stressed overweight from a value of more than 0.85 in women and 1.0 in men. This apple types are at a disadvantage rather than pear types. Because according to the experts increases with abdominal fat, called visceral fat depot.

The reason is that excess abdominal fat in is actively involved in the metabolism and favours the formation of deposits in the blood vessels. Follow the hardening of the arteries heart attack or stroke may be. Also for other diseases such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure overweight /apple types/ are more at risk.

The (DGE) According to the German Society for Nutrition satisfies even the measurement of waist circumference as a simple measure to assess the risk for metabolic and cardiovascular complications. Thus, in particular, should people with a body mass index (BMI) higher than 25, should be careful.

Another thingthat is veryimportant:

Only a doctor can make reliable statements about how your health is really at risk. For other parameters, such as blood pressure or cholesterol levels of patients and its genetic predisposition and lifestyle play a crucial role in the assessment. If in doubt, always speak with your doctor.