Treatment of depression is aimed at stabilizing the patient’s sudden stress situations. Positive thoughts and actions will be supported.Depression can usually be treated well. For this are various options to choose from. There are four treatment strategies:
• Drug treatment
• Psychotherapeutic treatment
• Active-wait-monitoring (watchful waiting)
• Combination therapy
When choosing the right therapy are taken into account severity of illness, previous disease history and personal desires of the patient The benefits and risks of possible therapeutic approaches should be discussed and weighed in each case together with a doctor or psychotherapist.
The therapy aims to different results. Initially, the symptoms are reduced so much that the mental balance of the patient recovered and the social and professional life can be completely mastered. Furthermore, the risk of relapse or subsequent relapse should be reduced as much as possible. The recommendations may be dependent on age, severity of the disease, possible side diseases, desires and life goals of those affected. Therefore, it is necessary that patients inform the treating doctor about comorbidities, and the use of medication.
The treatment can be generally divided into three sections:
• Acute therapy
• Maintenance therapy
• Relapse prevention
The Acute therapy aims to treat the symptoms of depression as quickly and extensively. The symptoms and signs should largely disappear. If this target is met, it is next to maintenance therapy. Here the newfound status of the patient is stabilized. The patient is treated, for example, about four to nine months with medication and taking part in eight to twelve months of psychotherapy. The risk of relapse can be dramatically reduced. The treatment should not be prematurely terminated if the complaints have decreased. In certain cases, a relapse prevention is necessary for a maintenance therapy. It prevents a recurrence of depression after a full recovery. The treatment time may exceed one year. It is necessary when the risk of relapse is increased, for instance because a patient has experienced several relapses, has suffered from a major depressive episode in the severe impairment or chronic depression is present.
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Active-wait-Accompaniment (watchful waiting)
The actual treatment can be postponed due to various situations. This may be the case if the patient suffers from only a mild depressive episode and rejects the treatment or reduction of the depression is also to be expected without treatment.
However, a review of the symptoms in the next two weeks should be done.
Antidepressants have an acute and an antidepressant effect. The antidepressant effect, with sentiment, occurs only after a few weeks, during the acute effect is immediately there. The acute effects depending on the medication: calming, sleep inducing, driving, disinhibiting